Sunday, May 31, 2009

I Blew a Disc

Hello all:
So this week was tough for me. As I told you last week I still have my night cough. However last Monday, I was moving a piece of spinal screening equipment out of a downpour and herniated a disc. Tuesday, I had an MRI and confirmed my herniated disc in my neck at C-7. I have had constant neck and radiating pain since the event. The good news this that we have the equipment and doctors to treat me. I started immediately on DTS decompression Traction and Chiropractic manipulations. Dr Mac adjusted me daily while Dr Dick gave me two steroid injections on Wednesday to lessen the inflammation. I have done several e-stims and ultra sounds a day since my pain is through the roof. I am some better today.

The steroid injections made me angry and made me want to eat like a horse. Wow, what a difference. This week I gained 3 lbs. I think it was mostly water weight from the steroids. So I am really trying to hold it together. The muscle relaxers they gave me make me woozy and hard to wake up in the morning as well and I don't like taking them. I will be glad when I am closer to back to normal.

Now some good news. Tracy and I are near the half way point. To date Tracy has lost 16.9 lbs of her 30 pound goal and even with the weight gain this week, I have lost 24.6 pounds of my 50 pound goal so far. We are happy with our results so far. We are on our buddy schedule to meet our goals of 80 pounds.

Dr Greg

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Freedom Isn't Free

Tomorrow is Memorial Day and tonight I pray for all our service men and women keeping America Free. Freedom isn't free. It has a very high price. Just ask any parent that has lost a child in the service. Or just ask any family member of someone serving today. The family serves too, you know. We thank you for your service. I personally thank you for serving in my place.

Now on to more fun things. I am still coughing at night (all night) but I feel just fine during the day. I am back at work and doing well. The flu is gone. Thank God. I started working out well lets say I started stretching again. I am so sore again from not working out. My muscles got tight so fast it was amazing. I feel like I lost quite a bit of ground on muscle strength and tone but i did not change much on weight. Here I was thinking OK you have the flu and so off comes the weight. Not the case. Through it all, I only lost 1 pound. Well the good news is that makes 24 for the year. I am right on target to hit my 50 pound goal. It is kind of frustrating in a way. I get sick and don't eat and still don't lose weight. Well here we go again into another wonderful week and were off... Dr Greg

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Among the living

Hello all. Thank you for all your kind e-mails and get well cards. The flu was tough. I ran a 102+ fever for five straight days. I am on the mend but not there yet. I ate my first solid meal today- a grilled cheese sandwich and applesauce. Not a steak, but a start. I am still pretty achy from the flu. I don't wish that stuff on anyone. Well, now its in my chest and so I've started coughing at night. I think I've got a secondary bronchitis infection. There will be plenty of weeks for dieting; but, this next week, we are going to just recoup and get well. I decided that I will try to start working out aging next week. I am still debating if i will go to work tomorrow; but, I am feeling better day by day. Dr Greg

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Taking Care of a sick Buddy

As I told you last post, Dr Greg has the Flu. He has been running a fever of 102 or higher for 5 days now. All he eats is chicken soup occasionally and lots of gator aid and ginger ale. I just ask him to take the rest of the week off and I don't think he will object. I don't think this is a good week to think about dieting. He is sick and I am playing nurse. In caring for him, I don't want to eat either. He told me a few minutes ago that he hurt everywhere even the tip of his nose. We've all had the flu and know how miserable it makes you feel. He will be better soon. Y'all have a good week and I will keep you posted. Tracy

Friday, May 8, 2009

Dr Greg Got the Flu

Well it happened. On Thursday night he started feeling puny and sure enough by Friday he was running a fever. He had a quick strep/flu test and it was just the plain old influenza "A". Not the Swine Flu going around Huntsville. Thank Goodness. So off to the drug store I went and got his prescription filled. The Tamiflu takes about 3 days they say so here we go. Well I guess this is good for the diet as I don't want to eat anything and his fever is 101.3 and all he wants to do is go to bed. TaTa for now. More later.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Lots of Excitement in Madison Alabama

Hello All
What an exciting week we had in Madison Alabama this week. As most of you know, this past week Madison Alabama recorded it's first case of Swine Flu. This was the first case in Alabama. Then quickly in suit came the second case, then the third and now 10 others are being tested for final Swine Flu confirmation. As you may not know, with a confirmed case, we go into CDC level 6 security and recommendations. That means that all the schools are closed for one week and that the school with the confirmed cases two weeks. So last week they closed all schools in Madison and Huntsville for the week. Then they closed all day care, then they closed all parks, and after school sporting events. All the residents were asked to take special washing precautions and be ever ready to help others. As a physician that made my life very tough. Many people are scared and rumors are rampant. Folks this is no time for panic. This is a strain very similar to influenza "A" and something health care providers are used to working with. This is not an overly difficult strain of the flu. Yes, precautions should be taken. And yes, we have to be careful; but, were already winning the fight. That is why were trying to get the word out to all that have computers to check the CDC website at for swine flu and follow the instructions. As for the diet, we again lost about a pound this week and we continue to do well. Thanks again for all the well wishes and Keep up the good hand washing.
Dr Greg