Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Hello, it's Tracy again. I am so tired today. We worked out with Phil on Tuesday and I haven't been getting enough sleep. I am actually starting to look forward to Phil coming in now. I feel better when we work out than when we don't. If we skip it, I really don't feel as good. I am starting to work my abs more and I talked with Phil yesterday about starting with the bender ball later in the week. He decided to put off starting the Bosu ball because it is more intense and we didn't get to work out on Friday. Both Greg and I were sick, nothing serious, just laryngitis, but enough that made me not want to work out. So, he decided that we would be better off waiting a week to up the intensity. We are still doing well on the food we eat. We haven't had any fast food (no french fries) since December. I actually feel much better. I will write again later in the week.
Be Well! Tracy

Sunday, January 25, 2009

24 days and 14lbs on the My Buddy Diet

Hello I'm Dr. Greg Millar. This week my wife Tracy, my buddy, and I candidly discuss our week. Our video is a little longer this week; but, we went to the movies with our grandson. We wanted to share how to handle popcorn at the movies. We're doing well on the Waay to get Fit exercise program and the My Buddy Diet lifestyle changes. Both Tray and I missed a workout this week. She was ill one day; and, I had contact dermatitis from a change in laundry detergent. We still stayed on everything else. I really feel that this is a diet (lifestyle) that I can do for the rest of my life.
Talk to you later this week
Dr. Greg

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wednesday, Jan 21, 2009

Hello! This is Tracy. Hope everyone is doing well. I am not looking forward to tomorrow. Phil is coming in the morning. We have moved the intensity up lately and I am up to 8 minutes straight on the stepper. He is supposed to introduce a new method of torture called the "bosu" ball. Not sure I like the sound of that. Anyway, I have lost two more pounds this week! I am getting very excited. I am still having trouble getting enough water. I must say that it is much easier on days when we work out, I seem to be more thirsty. Anyway, I will write again soon! Everyone be well!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Eating Out

Hello everyone! This is Tracy. Sorry it has been so long. I have had a lot going on. We went out to dinner with some friends the other night and we were able to stay on the diet. We did eat red meat but it was the first time since we started the diet. We both ate small 6oz fillets and vegetables and salads. We had decided to get dessert but by the time we finished eating, we were full and decided that we really didn't want it. That was a good feeling.

We had to get up this morning and work out even though it was so cold this morning. Greg was having terrible acid reflux problems and I had an awful headache. But, we still got up and worked out anyway and were glad we did. We are starting to notice the differences in each other since we have been working out and we are liking it. We are working on finding a ballroom dancing class. That would not have been thinkable two months ago. I am excited.

I had a difficult day on Monday. I got to be Mimi for the day and keep the grand kids (4yrs and 6months, both boys)! I was so excited. We went to McDonald's for the happy meal and I was craving the fries! I didn't eat them though. I did wind up getting some fried fish for lunch; though it was not very satisfying! I was not happy about it. I really wanted it to taste just like it did a couple of months ago but it didn't, it was too greasy and gave me stomach cramps. It wasn't as good; which is a really good thing because next time, it will be much easier to say no.

I will write again soon!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

15 Days and 12 lbs

Hello all. Tracy and I are now 15 days into the Waay to Get Fit and following the My Buddy Diet and the results are great. We have lost 12 lbs so I have lost 7 lbs and Tracy has lost 5 lbs so far. I can't tell it yet, I can't even feel it yet in my clothes; but, for the first time, I am losing pounds on a real lifestyle modification program. This is not a fad diet where I know the weight will come right back; and, I will even gain more. I tell people many times a day that we're not on a diet as a diet is anything you eat. We're am changing my life habits. Tracy says the hardest thing is drinking the water every day. I think the hardest part is still getting up three times a week to work out with our personal trainer "Superman Phil Johnson". I am a little worried that we're actually loosing weight too rapidly. We really want to loose about 1 pound a week. We will need to up my calorie intake if we continue to loose so rapidly. It seems strange to say that we may need to eat more. We have found it interesting the quantity of real food with fruits and veggies that you need to consume to get the number of calories we each need. I mentioned in the video that I am having too much acid reflux. I have come up with some natural remedies I want to try first and see if they have impact. I will let you know the results. Don't forget to visit us at
Dr Greg

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

8 Pounds Down

Today was a good day for the diet. My Buddy, Tracy and I decided to finally step on the scale. WOW. I am so pleased. We were down 8 pounds total. I was down 5 lbs and Tracy was down 3 lbs. as Buddies we're down 8 big pounds. That's exciting. It has been a long time since I was able to actually loose weight on a diet. This diet feels really right. With the lifestyle modifications we're making each week in Diet, Rest, Exercise, Activity and Mental State I feel like we can finally beat this thing. We are getting e-mails every day from people just like you that are joining Tracy and myself on the Waay to Get Fit. Remember all we have to loose is the weight. I am headed to bed so Ta Ta for now.
Dr Greg

Saturday, January 10, 2009

One Week Down, Jan. 10, 2009

Hello everyone! This is Tracy. Well, we have one week down in the new life style. We havn't been too strict, yet. We wanted to ease into it so that we didn't get burned out too soon. We are eating mostly cereals and fruit for breakfast and grilled fish for lunch. For dinner, we have some type of salad and protein. The hardest thing has been the water. Also, it has been difficult working out three times per week. The only time we had available was early in the morning. I am not a morning person so that has been particularly difficult for me. I am adapting, thanks to my buddy. He pushes me out of that bed three times per week. We are starting to feel better though and that was the total motivation for making this change, to feel better, and live longer. It will be fun starting ball room dancing. I am very much looking forward to that. Just some activity to get us out of the house and off of the couch. Just keeping everyone updated. I will write again soon!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


ONE WEEK since we started on the WAAY to Get Fit and the "My Buddy Diet". What a week for my buddy and myself on the "My Buddy Diet". The way this diet or lifestyle modification program works is that you make a small change each week to each of five areas based on the acronym DREAM. This stands for Diet, Rest, Exercise, Activity and Mental State.

This week for Diet we added eight 8oz glasses of water each day. I found this really hard. I don't really like water. I don't particularly like the taste but we did it. We also gave up all soda, soft drinks and sweet tea. That was also tough. On diet this week we also had to leave food on our plate at the end of each meal. I've always been taught "be a good boy and clean your plate"; so, I did. This week we left food on our plate at the end of the meal. Big change for me. For rest we tried to set a fixed bedtime that would give us more sleep. We didn't do so good on that one. We're still working on it, nightly. For exercise our personal trainer Superman Phil Johnson is stretching us 3 times a week for 30 minutes. My goodness I was so sore. I tried some arnica montana to help relieve the soreness and that helped. I know it will be worth it once we start cardio and weightlifting. For Activity we have chosen ball room dancing. My Buddy, Tracy is signing us up this week. Finally for Mental State, this was a tough week. I didn't want to quit. There were nights I was hungry. I know that will get better too. I did learn to say my montra "Today is the day I DREAM to be better. Today I will do my best to love myself and my family and change my lifestyle for the better."

Join us as we go on this one year journey to Waay to Get Fit. You can use the link below to Waay TV Channel 31 to view video of the on air report every Tuesday during the 5 pm News. Also link to Millar Chiropractic for free step by step instructions each week on each of the 5 areas of change.

Dr Greg

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sunday Night 1-4-09

Hi everyone! This is Tracy again. Tonight is Sunday and we are getting ready to go back to the grind tomorrow. We were on the phone to my mother in law today and she asked a great the working out fun yet or is it still a pain? The answer was it is still a pain. I am very much looking forward to when it isn't a pain. I am still drowning in the water. I am struggling with the diet also. We had salad for dinner with chicken and now 3 hours later, I could eat again. Instead, I am having water. Trying to fill up on water, I may regret this at 3 am but for now, it is working. I will let you know how that goes. Tomorrow will be very difficult at work because it is the first of the year and it is a real big pain. But, luckily it only takes about 2 weeks to get everything calmed back down. I will try to write again tomorrow.
Be well!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Lotta Water 1-3-09

Hello, this is Tracy. We are off. We went back to work and started working out again. Phil was here on Friday and definitely worked us out. We are doing okay on the diet, we had salad for dinner last night and tonight. The hardest thing for us so far has been drinking the water. We have found it harder than we thought to get all the water in. We are continuing to support each other. Just yesterday I told Greg that he didn't have a choice, he had to get up and work out with me. Actually, he said it right back to me because I really didn't want to either. Today, he asked me how much water had I had today and handed me my water bottle and said "drink up". It may not seem like much to some people but eight 8 ounce glasses of water is a lot of watter! It will be worth it in the end. I am starting to tell that we have been working out and stretching. I will write back again tomorrow.


Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Years Day

New Year New You. That is our mantra. Today we started the Waay to get fit - My Buddy Diet. Each week for the past 3 weeks WAAY TV has been following my wife Tracy and me on our preparation for the Waay to Get Fit. Each week during the 5pm news they have been showing our progress leading up to today.

First, We went to our Chiropractor, Dr. Sean Wallis (Millar Chiropractor Huntsville/Jones Valley) and learned to DREAM. -which stands for Diet/ Rest/ Exercise/ Activity/ and Mental state. Next, we signed the Buddy Diet contract. We went to our medical doctor for test to make sure we were medically ok to go on the diet. Next, we went through the cabinets and threw away all the snacks and goodies (that was tough). Then we went to Dr. Jason Reed, (Millar Chiropractor Athens/Madison) and got scanned for the Vitamins we needed. I scanned really low at 13,000 while Tracy scanned 19,000 in antioxidant protection out of a normal 40,000. Then we started with the personal trainer Phil Johnson 3 days a week. (boy am I sore- I have aching muscles I never knew I had) Finally we did the weigh in, BMI and fat percentages to track our weight loss. Here we go.... and we're off.

Today I was excited. New Year New Us. I started drinking eight 8 oz glasses of water a day. Today, I gave up drinking all cokes (regular and diet) and ice tea with meals. I now drink water with meals. I even had my one cup of coffee black this morning. Today I started following my glycemic load for the first time. I am giving up all drive through. I am eating a big breakfast and full lunch with only a salad for dinner. One of the foods I am completely eliminating is white potatoes and of course no more french fries. For full specifics go to my website and look under Waay to Get Fit - My Buddy Diet.

I am excited and at the same time somewhat scared of what is ahead. I have publicly stated that I will lose 50 pounds and keep it off. You can't put yourself more out there than having Channel 31 follow you around with a camera in a reality show. What if I fail? I have failed many times in the past, this time with the help of my buddy, my wife Tracy, and your encouragement I feel success will come. Talk to you again tomorrow night.

Dr Greg

Hello everyone this is Tracy! It is a new year and I am very excited about our new program. I am also nervous. We are starting a whole new program. Just the other day I was on TV with Christy Douglas. (That was definitely nerve racking!) Maybe I didn't look too nervous. Anyway, Phil will be here in the morning to work out with us. He already told us that it is time to up the intensity. UH OH! I am not looking forward to that! I am however looking forward to the smaller figure and new wardrobe I will have to buy due to the fact that I won't fit in any of my clothes any more (not a bad problem to have...).

We also have to go back to work tomorrow and it will be very stressful. I am a little worried because whenever we work late, we usually will either go out to dinner or just get something quick and it is never good for us. We will no longer be able to do that. I will have to start being more organized. That is my New Year's resolution. I have things at home and at work that are unorganized. My goal this year is to learn to be more organized. It is getting late now and we have to get up very early to work out so I will sign off for now. I will write again tomorrow and let you know how our first day back at work with our new plan goes! Talk to you again tomorrow!
