Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Panoply - Thanks for all the well wishes

I want to say Thank you to all of you that stopped at our Millar Chiropractic booth at Panoply. I really enjoyed meeting and talking to so many of you. Thank you for all of your encouragement and well wishes. You know, we're all in this together. Me and my buddy, you and your buddy, and the many of you that are doing the "My Buddy Diet" and program alone or with me as your TV buddy and inspiration. It's humbling. So many of you came by and said "if You can do it, so can I". I must have talked to hundreds that told me stories of their weight loss struggles and recent accomplishments. After this weekend and after meeting so many of you in person, I wouldn't give up for the world. I am so inspired by you. You know we can do this together. WE can loose weight forever. Again THANK YOU.
Dr Greg Millar

Sunday, April 26, 2009

I Feel Like My Self Again

Hello All
I am very happy to be past my plateau. I lost a pound and a half last week. I have been loosing between 1 and 2 lbs since January. Suddenly, a couple of weeks ago I stopped. In fact I actually gained 1/2 pound. I told myself it might be water weight but I knew I needed to double up my efforts and call on my Buddy to help me through the tough part. Tracy, my wife and Buddy, was great. She encouraged me and motivated me all through the weeks of nothing. I know that if she had not been with me on the diet that I would have failed this one like I have so many others. But the good news is success. I an loosing again. I am nearly half way to my 50 lb goal for the year. And surprising the year is nearly half over. Tracy is also about half way to her goal of 30 lbs for the year. I really feel good that we can make it. I know that the diet has changed our life. We now go more with more energy; and, we don't sit on the couch near as much. The way we feel has also made a difference in the rest of my life as well. I want to say thank you to all of you for all of you continued support the card and e-mails of encouragement were wonderful. Thanks again to all of you. Together we can do this thing.
Dr Greg
PS. were getting a new webcam installed this week so we'll be back next Sunday night with a new video.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


By Jobe, I think we did it. I hopped on the scales today and I lost 1 pound this week. I am very happy. Inside I was starting to get worried that the weight loss would somehow stop and I would fail yet another diet. Only this time it would be very public. But today I lost more weight. That makes 26 so far. We have punched through the plateau and are now loosing our planned 1 pound a week again. Tracy, my Buddy, also lost 1/2 pound. I called Phil my trainer and told him the good news as well. I am ready to loose on down to my goal of 50 lbs for the year. Dr Greg

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Beating the Plateau

Hello all. Another week has come and gone and I'm still stuck at the same weight. I am determined to beat this plateau. I feel like I am willing my body to loose weight. I am sticking to the diet with a passion. My Buddy, my wife, is helping with the mental demons and keeping me in high spirits. You have no idea how important it is to have someone constantly lifting you up and telling you you can do something. My personal trainer is helping by working my butt off at the gym. Today he had me ride the bike for 4 miles before starting the daily workout. He wanted my heart at target heart rate before we started lifting. Then he pushed us from machine to machine without the normal time to rest and recuperate in effect making the anaerobic training also aerobic. Then he finished with recombinant bike and again pushed the heart rate and kept it there. All I know is I am so pooped at the end of the workout that I can ring out my socks. I will beat this plateau and beat this weight thing once and forever.
Dr Greg

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Still in Plateau

Hello again.
This has been a tough week mentally. You know when your doing everything right and your loosing its easy to keep going. It's much tougher to do everything right and your gaining weight. I have actually gained 1/2 pound since last week. I know that water weight can fluctuate and I also know that working out builds lean muscle mass that weighs more than fat; but, gaining weight on a diet is not good. It's interesting just how fast the demons attack. I was just fine as long as the weight was coming off. When I stopped losing, I immediately started having thoughts about: Failing another diet and will I ever really be able to loose weight and get healthy. I started to doubting myself and the program. My Buddy, my wife Tracy has really been great. She has been right there for me every moment of my plateau. I believe if I had not had a buddy I might have been tempted to go off this diet and have another failed diet experience. Thanks Tracy. As for us in the Gym were working harder than ever. I am doing the right things and I will succeed.
Dr Greg

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hello All:
Well by now you have probably heard. I am in a plateau. This week, I hopped on the scale and nothing. I am doing all the right things. I'm still on the diet; I am still working out; I'm still drinking the water; I'm still following everything and nothing. No weight loss. In fact I actually gained .25 pounds. I have been losing about 1-2 pounds a week since we started in January. I immediately call my buddy Tracy and told her of my problem. She laughed at first and told me it was about time she could catch up as I was loosing faster than her. Then she realized how upset I was at not loosing and started going over all our diet and lifestyle changes again. She is right. Its times like these that people give up and go back to what they were doing before. Now was the time for me to really do a "gut check" and decide if I was going to really continue to do the lifestyle changes and become healthy or go back to being heavy and unhealthy. I decided to keep in the program and win this battle. I have failed every diet I have ever been on but this is not a diet but a lifestyle modification program I am going to win. I am going to become healthy. We called our personal trainer, Phil Johnson, and he suggested that we just double up our work out effort. So this week I will stay on the program, workout more and I am sure the results will come in time.
Dr Greg

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sunday Night April 5th

Hello again.. As Tracy told you earlier in the week in her blog, this was a stressful week with two doctors out ill and us having to pick up the pace. This week on Friday, we graduated into the gym. We have been working out three days a week at the house with Phil Johnson our personal terrorist. Phil has had us working with three sets of 15 reps of calisthenics, free weights, medicine balls, bosu balls, resistance training and cardio. On Friday we graduated into the gym with about a 10 machine workout. Tracy and I were worried that we would hurt after the workout but we were pleasantly surprised. We felt great. In fact just the opposite, we both really enjoyed the intensity of the workout. We felt good afterward. Phil has added a fourth day to our workout program. We now do Tues and Thurs at home then Friday at the gym and Sunday we started a Cardio walk. Phil told us to warm up with a 5 min walk then blast walk for 5 min at very fast pace while monitoring our pulse to make sure we were in our target heart range and then do a 5 min cool down walk. Each month he will add minutes each week to our Cardio walk keeping us in our respective target heart ranges for longer periods. As for the diet, we continue to follow the good eating plan. I must admit salmon is starting to get boring at lunch every day so I am mixing it up more with more chicken and other fishes.
Dr Greg

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Stressful Week

Hello everyone! It's Tracy again. I have been so stressed this week. I had another allergy attack on Tuesday and I was just miserable. I am supposed to be taking allergy shots and I haven't taken them like I should so my allergy doctor is fussing at me. I am supposed to have two shots per week and I forget them so much of the time. Anyway, I am trying to avoid taking a steroid shot because it just makes me want to eat. We are supposed to start working out at the gym with Phil next week. I am really looking forward to it. I am kind of worried though because it is much easier to work out when Phil just shows up at the door, now we will have to go to him once a week. Then we will eventually switch to the gym all together. I will admit that Easter is one of my weaknesses. I love chocolate and Easter candy is the best. I am trying very hard to resist eating it. I will try to write again soon.
Be Well!