Sunday, March 22, 2009

Out of Town for the Weekend

Hello again it's Sunday night. Tracy and I were out of town visiting family this weekend. You know what it's so much easier now that family is starting to ask me how much weight I have lost and they are now interested in helping me loose more. The same can be said for all of you that have seen me out in public or at restaurants. Thank you for asking how Tracy and I are doing on the diet. I think it's interesting that at a restaurant so many people come by my table to just look at what I'm eating. I think it's fun. You know if We Can Do It... So Can You. In fact that is one of reasons that my buddy Tracy and I went on the diet in the first place. I wanted to show big people that a big person can loose weight and again if I can do it so can you. Well tonight we have a short video blog as its after 11:45 and I have to be in Decatur at the Clinic at 8am.
God Bless and Keep Watching
Dr Greg

PS ... I wanted to tell everyone that Millar Chiropractic is having it's 6th annual Easter Egg Hunt Saturday April 11th at Big Spring Park in Huntsville Alabama and at Wilson Morgan Park in Decatur, Alabama. We have 12,000 eggs. Golden Prize eggs too. The hunt will start at 9am with three age groups. This is our gift to the community. No charge. Just Fun and bringing back an old time family good time.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Stressful Week

Hello everyone! This is Tracy. I have been so busy lately. I have been working out of three different offices over the last two weeks so I am pulled in about 15 directions. After my mom's visit (and being out of work for nearly a week) I had a lot of work piled up to complete plus everything that I do each week anyway. I have had some health issues lately. I am sure that lots of people have allergies also but I have had three allergy attacks in a week. One of them was brought on by cigarette smoke but I don't exactly know what brought the other two on except the obvious. Every thing is so beautiful this time of year but I have to say that it isn't my favorite time of year because of my allergies. Everything for me gets all screwed up because of my allergies. I have sneezing fits and stomach issues and it is just no fun. On a brighter note, because of the stomach issues, I am not wanting to eat as much and because of my allergy medicine, it is also not hard to get all of the water I need in each day. I will write back again this week. Be well!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Stressful Week But We Made It

Hello all. Tracy and I had a very stressful week both at home and work this week. We had house guest while we had major changes at work. A tough week to stay on any kind of a diet and lifestyle modification plan. But we did it. I am proud of both of us. Even though the idea of old habits and comfort food were the easy way, both Tracy and I for the most part stayed on course and on our plan. With house guest (family and friends) in from out of town they wanted to visit other family members who all wanted to show southern hospitality and cook too much food for any army to eat. Then nights when we were alone with our guest, we wanted to go out to dinner and show them Huntsville. Again stressful for someone on a lifestyle modification. Again we did it by making dinner choices of salads. At work we're making big changes (growing pains) and welcoming new doctors and corporate changes. In fact, on Thursday, we closed all the clinics and had a day long Team meeting so we spent hours preparing the PowerPoint presentations. More stress. So how did we do. For the most part great. There were some old habits that tried to bite us; but, we held on and worked at keeping on track. Who ever said the toughest part of lifestyle modification is the mental stuff and keeping away the mental daemons was right on target. It's easy to change when it' easy but it's hard to keep going when it's tough. Well we choose to continue the plan and reap the wonderful benefits... living longer healthy.
God Bless
Dr Greg

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Family Visit

Hello everyone! This is Tracy! Sorry it has been so long since I have blogged. I have been so busy. I have been out of town and when I came back, I brought my mom back with me so I have been entertaining her this week. I am so glad that she came to visit. It is the first time in nearly 10 years that she has come just to stay and visit.

I have been having a hard time staying on track with the diet but I am trying to make better choices about what I eat. I have been having salads and grilled chicken and fish. I am still having problems with the water consumption. I can't seem to get enough water in except on days we work out. I don't have any problem with the water on those days.

Phil has been working us out harder trying to get us ready to work out in the gym instead of the house. I am not sure I like that idea...he will try to kill us for sure in the gym. Anyway, I will write back again this weekend. I am getting ready to go back to Birmingham and take my mom back home tonight. But, I will be back on Saturday.

Be well!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Caught in the Snow of 2009

Hello everyone.. What a fun weekend. Tracy, my buddy, and I went to Birmingham this weekend for the UAB Spine Symposium and continuing ed credits. While in Birmingham it snowed. That's the good news. The bad news is that today when we awoke the hotel power was off. Apparently a tree had fallen on the power lines and no power. Of course, no power meant no ability to cook. Also the hotel staff could not get to work due to the snow. And, the restaurant manager had the key to the freezer. In any event, we had no power and no food for most of the day. The hotel finally got power restored and fixed meals of what food they had on hand. The point to this is that if you follow a lifestyle modification and something throws you a curve "it's ok". Even though they served varied foods, we still made the best choices of what was available. Tonight back at home we continued the my buddy diet as normal. More about choices later this week.
Have a great night
Dr Greg